In this "must read report" learn the importance of sharing your heart to those you love in the form of a letter... A legacy letter as unique and personal as your very own set of fingerprints. As you read, remember this: Whatever regrets you may have in your life, leaving a written legacy will never be one of them!
An effective, personal legacy letter can be written for the ages in as little as one page. A word of caution: Don't be fooled into thinking that writing your legacy means someone someday will care where you attended elementary school, what your favorite color was, when you got your first kiss, or what toys you owned. Nor are they likely to read an entire volume filled with similar details. These kinds of facts, while fun to remember (and valuable information for what they're worth), do not reveal your heart or treasured values and will NOT paint a timeless portrait of who you really are. Many books exist that will have you dredging up details (like these) in order to write a complete and unabridged story of your life. In my opinion, if you wish to go that route, make it a fun exercise for yourself. Do it for the sake of reminiscing and creating a complete personal record. But please, to be relevant for generations to come you must not waste the time of others. And to be honored and memorialized for who you really are, you must be understood. That is the single most important goal you will want to achieve in writing a Life Legacy LetterTM. In other words, someone must find true meaning in your legacy of simple, well - chosen words. Words that will unite and resonate on a deep human level to all people for all time. Spare generations to come the mountains of mundane that they might cherish the profound and the meaningful. Ecclesiastes 3:2 There is one indisputable fact of life, and these words by Solomon states it best. We all are born and we all will die. Some wise soul reminded us once that no one escapes this life alive - never has and never will. While that may sound harsh, the truth of it is the great leveler of us all - rich or poor, tall or short, famous or not, of every religion and all nationalities - all inhabitants of the earth will one day die. If our death is certain, who will remember us when we are gone? What will they know about our hopes and dreams, our thoughts, our feelings, our values, our faith, and our well - earned wisdom? Will my footsteps be forever swept away with the sands of time - and with it the very essence of who I am? Most of us leave a carefully planned will to disperse our earthly possessions. And that's important. We would all like to see our wishes carried out after we're gone. But those are, after all, just things. Is there any way in the world I can leave what truly matters most to me - a meaningful part of myself? The answer to that is a resounding YES! As an historian, researcher and archivist for a nonprofit organization, I realize the vital importance of irreplaceable original documents everyday. In specific, my main focus has been to preserve the stories and records of the earliest settlers of Strawberry Point (Gustavus), Alaska and surrounding areas. And what information has been found! But more to the point, what a joy it has been to reunite descendants with writings from their ancestors that were not known to exist. What an indescribable thrill for second, third and fourth generation adult children to uncover (and hold in their hands) personal writings that share their forefather's very heart and soul. It is truly remarkable what meaning is brought when a "circling of the wagons" of a family's trail of words and values are discovered and treasured. For the recipients of such a blessing there are feelings of completeness and belonging, of incredible gratefulness, of significance, of understanding and love. What an unfortunate paradox that the ancestors themselves cannot see through a looking glass to the joy and meaning their legacies in writing have brought. Why? Because without exception there is a very predictable, universal response. EVERYONE who receives such a legacy agrees - it was a gift they didn't even know they were looking for, and one more priceless than they've ever received. Please, reread the underlined sentence above. That is why I am dedicated to the idea that EVERYONE needs to write a legacy letter to leave an ethical will. And that is exactly why I have taken the time to put together a complete package of everything I have learned and everything you need to know to make your short, simple legacy in writing a reality. All the information I have compiled is written in my easy to follow, content rich E - book entitled Life Legacy LetterTM How to leave a personal legacy letter for generations to come. In this book you will learn where to begin, what to focus on, what is and isn't meaningful, what to steer clear of, how to keep it simple, and most importantly you will be inspired to get it done! And it's loaded with examples, illustrations, and answers to frequently asked questions to help you along the way.
No contracts, lawyers, expensive personal life coaches or interviewers needed. You are not writing a book. You do not need an editor. You do not need special electronic equipment. You will not need to dedicate days and weeks to the task. You do not need a college education. You do not need a lot of money. And so it is hoped, as simple as it is, that you will not need any excuses! Are you wondering if this is something that you could really do? The answer is as simple as the legacy letter itself. With whatever limitations you believe you have, you most certainly can write your very own Life Legacy LetterTM. Anyone can. It is a work of the heart, not an art piece. And you can do it in a meaningful way that will bring joy and inspiration to others while imparting the values you cherish. It is about who you are, what you stand for, or the faith that sustains your life. You can write in any style you like. You do not have to be an accomplished writer (or a "writer" at all). This is not an English class, and there are no grades. It does not have to be perfect. You CAN get it done, put it away, and forget about it. And you'll rest easy at night knowing you have given the gift of a lifetime!
For $12.95 you will receive everything you need to know in my step by step 69 page Life Legacy LetterTM E - Book. It is loaded with all of the content mentioned above - examples, illustrations, and answers to the most frequently asked questions (in print large enough for old, tired eyes), PLUS:
The next time somebody asks you "what time is it?" - stop and think because none of us really knows. Remember, today (this very minute) is the only time that you know for sure that you have. The very important step of writing your Life Legacy LetterTM may be the most "time sensitive" assignment you will ever undertake. Not one of us has a guarantee of tomorrow. And we never will. Here's the good news. When you finish the last word of your Life Legacy LetterTM you'll feel a sense of relief, of accomplishment - and be forever glad that you took the time to get it done. Generations may "rise up and call you blessed" as your legacy is kept alive marching in step along with time. Act today - and prod others in your life to do the same. Found in an antique store years ago, an old wood sign reminds me of what we need to remember each and every day. That's why it hangs on the wall of my home - to counteract the hustle and bustle of every day life and to remind us after all what is important. Here is what it says: Let us live by the way It is later than ever With each passing day. Best wishes for a purpose filled life. And before you leave, bless the world with the one gift that will keep on giving - a meaningful legacy from your heart to the written word - your very own Life Legacy LetterTM. Do it today! Sincerely, Linda S. Parker P.S. Writing your Life Legacy LetterTM is an urgent matter! Here's what Webster says about "urgent": Compelling and immediate action needed; pressing, imperative. A need or demand that cannot be deferred or evaded. So don't delay! To defer now may mean missing out on this literal chance of a lifetime. Click the button below to purchase your complete step - by - step Life Legacy LetterTM E - Book. You'll be fully equipped to get started today! P.P.S. Be a Life Legacy LetterTM ambassador. Think about the people you care about. The Life Legacy LetterTM message should be shared with all of the significant people in your life so that they don't miss out on the power of leaving a simple, timeless, written legacy. Who do you know that would appreciate the chance to give the most meaningful gift of themselves - perhaps an aging parent, a grandparent, a favorite Aunt or Uncle, or even a friend with a terminal illness? It's quite likely something they have never even thought about. Sharing the idea puts your relatives and friends under no obligation. But they may find that a legacy letter fulfills a desire that they have never expressed. It may be one of the kindest recommendations you could ever make! ![]() |